
Monday, 27 June 2011


Bonjour mes amies!(I think I wrote that right xD. I know that I epically fail as a canadian!) It has been a while since I have written a post! Exams are done although I only have one exam this semester(kekek) but I am hoping I did well! 

This post is probably going to be long(?) though ironically, all my posts are very short. So to start off, I'm going to do a review of 'Happy Kitchen Doughnut Edition'.  

Happy kitchen is produced by the same company as popin' cookin'.

These were the vanilla doughnuts that I screwed up on by putting the incorrect amount of water (Smart eh?). This made the dough really hard to mold.

When the chocolate dough was being mixed, you can really smell it :3

Looks good but the vanilla ones tasted really awful. I wanted to puke ><! The chocolate ones taste the best and the melted chocolate was heaven! It tasted like really dark chocolate or something. 

In the end, I couldn't finish all of it because I just started to get overwhelmed by the tastes. 
Overall: 6.5/10

A few days ago, I have also brought my all time favourite snack which is....

Meiji's Gummy Choco! I can tell you, it was quickly devoured. 

Since I have a lot of free time on my hands due to it being summer vacation, I decided to photoshop something. I had major photoshop-block while doing this! It was impossible D:!! Therefore it came out uglier than usual. 

I had troubles finding a sexy render and sexy c4ds and basically, this siggy consisted of:

Mask of Render + Mask of a Background + Overlay of Brushes+ Mask of C4ds + A sexy Gradient may to make it look sexy because remember kids, lighting DOES wonders.



And these are ones experimenting with curves:

Curves on soft light:

Curves on normal:

Alright! So that's all for now. I'm going to be going to USA tomorrow therefore there might be posts about it. I'm not sure but we'll see! 

See you guys next time!


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