
Friday, 6 May 2011

'whats in my pencil case" , review and haul

Hey bloggers :)! So I thought of doing something interesting which is a "What is in my Pencil Case" also I'm going to update you guys about my life.
So to start off, this is an overview of my pencil case.

As you can see, I have lots of highlighters, pencils and etc in general. If you don't know me, I love collecting stationary things; like an addiction. The bag to the left is my pencil case and it was hand made using these fabric eco-friendly gift bags that I've won.
Pentel's HI-Polymer Eraser is my favorite eraser.

Wondering what the white block is?

It's A white out!

You can refill the Whiteout :3!

Clear reinforcements

I've also gotten 2 new pen because I gave mine to my cousin. They are 1 blue and 1 black.

I love the zebra tapiclip because it can double up as a hair clip :P.

So that is all for my pencil case but next up is a snack review. Today I'll be reviewing the Nongshim Pizza Chips.

Close up of a chip.

The snack cost about a dollar and overall, there was not a lot of taste but I would defiantly repurchase. 
Overall: 8/10

I've also photoshopped something today: 
What do you guys think?

Trying to staple down a new style. I really loved the two I made a while ago tho.

Well that all for now!
- Nemuru <3 

P.S. Recently, I've been noticing the new anime are starting to turn more three dimensional. Like for examples, C and recently subbed Koisento OVA. I hate this new style because it ruins the reputation of 2-D animes. Anyone else find this annoying?

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